Donations can be made through PayPal or credit card. When you click on the "Donate" button, it automatically brings you to "Donate with PayPal." Click on that tab, and then you can choose if you want to donate with PayPal or with a credit card.
Hours of Operation:
Food Pantry: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 2-5 pm
Clothing Pantry: Tuesdays 2-5 pm, Wednesdays and Saturdays 10-1 pm
Office: Dates and times vary. Please call first (518) 251-3481
(The Food and Clothing pantries are located in the back of the building. The Clothing Pantry's
chute is inoperable at this time, but the door is open for you to drop off your donations.
The office is located through the front door of the building.)
Fundraising & Upcoming Events
Let's Talk 🙃
Souper Bowl
Our Souper Bowl fundraiser on March 1, 2025, was a night of good food, drink, and camaraderie. It brought together people from Indian Lake to Chestertown and everywhere in between to support our Johnsburg community programs.

Recent Holiday Events
December was a busy month at the Adirondack Community Outreach Center!
Annual Holiday Appeal Fundraising letter
Our largest fundraiser of the year.

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On 12/17/24 our organization provided over 90 Holiday Dinner Baskets, serving 250 people in our community. Our meals included a ham or turkey, and all the fixings for a delicious holiday dinner.
In Mid December, the
Holiday Toy Giveaway
was a huge success,
serving 52 families with
toys for their children
and grandchildren for
the upcoming holidays.